English 1002-006
First-Year Composition
T TH (12:30 PM – 1:45 PM)
Instructor:  Ms. Kathy Rowley
Office Hours: Thursdays 2:00pm – 3:00pm in the Writing Center and by appointment
English Department Telephone: (209) 667.3361


Texts- Required

  • The Concious Reader by Caroline Shrodes, Michael Shugrue, Marc Di Paolo, and Christian Matuschedk, eds.  Eleventh Edition
  • They Say I Say by Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel Durst

Texts- Optional

  • Longman Concise Companion by Chris Anson, Robert A. Schwegler, and Marcia F. Muth, eds — 2nd ed.

Additional Course Materials

  • A binder reserved for this class
  • Active e-mail address
  • Cell phone
  • Money on your student body card for in-class printing

Course Description

English 1002 is a first-year composition class taught in a computer lab.
Instruction is based on the Competencies for First-Year Composition
with particular emphasis on the use of technology
in relation to class communication as well as
for gathering information in creating and developing writing projects.

Course purpose

The purpose of the class is to better prepare you for academic writing by gaining understanding and
experiencing successful utilization of grammar, mimetic, expressiveness, and rhetoric.


100% attendance is recommended for success.  If life happens and it is necessary for you to miss class, please text/email me.
Absences do not excuse you from class work responsibility.  I retain the right to drop you after 3 absences.  Keep track.

Late Work

Late homework will not receive credit.  If you are absent, the work must be put in my box in the English department the day it is due. No exceptions!

Grading Assignments and Participation/Homework

  1.    ✓          Texting/Campus Locations Assignment #1
  2.    ✓          Invite/Presentation Assignment #2
  3.    ✓          Lead Class Discussion Assignment #3
  4.    ✓          Blog Site including Readers Responses Assignment #4
  5.    ✓          Grammar Project Assignment #5
  6. 20 points – Argumentative Essay Assignment #6
  7. 20 points – Media Project Assignment #7
  8. 10 points – Participation/Homework
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C-
100-92 91-90 89-88 87-82 81-80 79-78 77-72 71-70

Assignments are not optional.

If any of these are not completed, the student will receive a letter grade of “F” for this class.


Please contact me if you have a disability that may prevent you from fully demonstrating your abilities so that we can discuss appropriate accommodations.


According to Diana Hacker, plagiarism is:

“(1) failing to cite quotations and borrowed ideas
(2) failing to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks
(3) failing to put summaries and paraphrases in your own words” (331).

Plagiarism is a serious offense.

Intentional plagiarism will result in a no credit in the class.
It will be reported to and investigated by Student Discipline.
If you have questions about whether or not you are using a source fairly, ask me.
For additional information regarding plagiarism and academic dishonesty, please go to:

Instructor reserves the right to make updates/changes.  Assignments may be adjusted as needed.


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